English Language Articles on Religion in
Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt
Volume 16.1 

Roman Paganism under the Antonines and Severans (Krill) 27-44 

The Philosophical Critique of Religion under the Early Empire (Attridge) 45-78 

Towards Interpreting Demonic Powers in Hellenistic and Roman Antiquity (Smith) 425-439 

The Functions of Roman Temples (Stambaugh) 554-608 

Volume 16.2 

Severan Ruler Cult and the Moon in the City of Rome (Palmer) 1085-1120 

The Development of Provincial Ruler Worship in the Western Roman Empire (Fishwick) 1201-1253 

The Ruler and the Logos in Neopythagorean, Middle Platonic, and Late Stoic Political Philosophy (Chesnut) 1310-1332 

The Public Festivals of Rome (Harmon) 1440-1468 

Roman Army Religion (Helgeland) 1470-1505 

The Religion of the Roman Army: 1895-1977 (Birley) 1506-1541 

The Cult of the Genii in the Roman Army and a New Military Deity (Speidel) 1542-1555 

Roman Domestic Religion: The Evidence of the Household Shrines (Orr) 1557-1591 

The Family Festivals of Rome (Harmon) 1592-1603 

Biographies of Philosophers and Rulers as Instruments of Religious Propaganda in Mediterranean Antiquity (Talbert) 1619-1651 

Apollonius of Tyana: Tradition and Reality (Bowie) 1652-1699 

Volume 16.3 

The Religious Policy of Decius (Pohlsander) 1826-1842 

Religion in the Latin Elegists (Harmon) 1909-1973 

The Independent Value of Ancient Religious Translations (Wigtil) 2052-2066 

In the Light of the Moon: Demonology in the Early Imperial Period (Brenk) 2068-2145 

The Augural Law (Linderski) 2146-2312 

Priesthoods and Priestly Careers in Ancient Rome (Szemler) 2314-2331 

The Saeculum Novum of Augustus and its Etruscan Antecedents (Hall) 2564-2589 

The Sociology of Religious Knowledge in the Roman Empire (Phillips) 2677-2773 

Volume 17.1 

The Cult of Jupiter and Roman Imperial Ideology (Fears) 3-141 

Volume 17.2 

The Theology of Victory at Rome: Approaches and Problems (Fears) 736-826 

The Cult of Virtues and Roman Imperial Ideology (Fears) 827-948 

The Goddess Roma (Mellor) 950-1030 

Volume 17.3 

A Classified Bibliography of the Graeco-Roman Mystery Religions 1924-1973 with a Supplement 1974-1977 1259-1423 

Magna Mater and Attis (Thomas) 1500-1535 

The Present State of Sabazios Research (Johnson) 1583-1613 

Volume 17.4 

The Known Isis-Sarapis Sanctuaries from the Roman Period (Wild) 1739-1851 

"Who knows not what monsters demented Egypt worships?" Opinions on Egyptian animal worship in Antiquity as part of the ancient conception of Egypt (Smelik) 1852-2000 

Mithraism since Franz Cumont (Beck) 2002-2115 

Venus Victrix --- Roman and Oriental (Speidel) 2225-2238 

Hermetism. A Bibliographical Approach (Gonzalez Blanco) 2240-2281 

Incorrect Apocalyptic: The Hermetic Asclepius as an Improvement on the Greek Original (Wigtil) 2282-2297 

Volume 18.1 

The Deities of Roman Britain (Birley) 3-112 

The Iconography and Archaeology of Romano-British Religion 113-162 

Pagan Cults in the Province of Belgica (Wightman) 542-589 

Volume 18.2 

The Cult of Jupiter Dolichenus in Lower Moesia and Thrace (Najdenova) 1362-1396 

Mithraism in Lower Moesia and Thrace (Najdenova) 1397-1422 

The Altar of the "Unkown God" in Athens (Acts 17:23) and the Cult of the "Unknown Gods" in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods (van der Horst) 1426-1456 

The Eleusinian Mysteries: Roman Initiates and Benefactors, Second Century B.C. to A.D. 267 (Clinton) 1499-1539 

A Jungian Interpretation of the Eleusinian Myth and Mysteries (Gallant) 1540-1563 

The Mysteries of Samothrace during the Roman Period (Cole) 1564-1598 

The Old Greek Oracles in Decline (Levin) 1599-1649 

Volume 18.3 

Ephesus as a Religious Center under the Principate, I. Paganism before Constantine (Oster) 1661-1728 

The Major Sanctuaries of Pamphylia and Cilicia (MacKay) 2045-2129 

The Cults of Roman Rough Cilicia (Mitford) 2131-2160 

Men: A Neglected Roman Cult of Roman Asia Minor (Lane) 2161-2174 

The Cults of Roman Cyprus (Mitford) 2176-2211 

Volume 18.4 

Mithraism in Syria (Hopfe) 2214-2235 

Antioch-on-the-Orontes as a Religious Center I. Paganism before Constantine (Norris) 2322-2379 

Caesarea Palaestinae as a Religious Center (Hopfe) 2380-2411 

Marnas God of Gaza (Mussies) 2412-2457 

Volume 18.5 

Meroitic Funerary Religion (Yellin) 2869-2892 

The Pagan Cults of Roman Oxyrhynchus (Whitehorne) 3050-3091 

Emperor Worship in Julio-Claudian Egypt (Huzar) 3092-3143 

Evidence for the Survival of Pharaonic Religion in Roman Egypt: The Portrait Mummy (Corcoran) 3316-3332 

Egyptian Magical Practice under the Roman Empire: the Demotic Spells and their Religious Context 

The Greek Magical Papyri: an Introduction and Survey; Annotated Bibliography (1928-1994) 3380-3684 

Suppement to 18.4 

Religion in Iran in the Parthian Period (Russell) 

Religion in Iran in the Sassanian Period (Russell) 


Volumes 19-21: Judaism 

Volumes 23-27: Pre-Constantinian Christianity